Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why does my screen go dark when the internet connects?

Once I have connected through People PC, the screen on my laptop goes dark twice, kinda flashes. I have not added anything to my computer lately, and my anti-virus and spyware software has not picked up anything. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me why this is happening, what it is and how to fix it. When the internet connection initializes is the ONLY time this happens.

Why does my screen go dark when the internet connects?vincent

that is the company jacking into your PC. They can actually see you and listen in toyour conversations

Why does my screen go dark when the internet connects?adware remover

try running the following two menus of ccleaner, it might help

cleaner %26gt; Analyze %26gt; Run Cleaner

issues %26gt; Scan For Issues %26gt; Fix Selected Issues

Read Howto of CCleaner on the link below
its broken, get a new one
Hard docks good question try here

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