Sunday, October 4, 2009

What advice can you offer me?

I have a list of IP addresses and log of duplicate IP's that continually attempt to execute a malicious code(Helkern Attack) on my pc. What can I do with them to deal with these attempts? Thanks to to my anti-virus and firewall software I have this list of malicious IP addresses which I have not the slightest idea of how to nail a lid on where they originate. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Respectfully Robert

What advice can you offer me?spyware

don't do drugs, stay in school, and keep searching for the droids you're looking for!

What advice can you offer me?virus scan

Contact your ISP. They have abuse departments that track these sort of things, sometimes. Especially if the IP is from one of their customers as well.
Send them to the FCC %26lt;federal communication commission%26gt;
not much you can do. Are you running any internet services, like a webserver?

If you are using a router you can block any communication frames from thoes specific IP address, or using some utility for networking you can find on and block their IP address(es) that way.

You can also go to type their IP address in and find what area they are located in, what ISP they are using just to get some more info about them.
Your firewall is working fine.
Relax! Your firewall is doing its job and doing it well. It is doing exactly what you are paying it to do.

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