Sunday, October 4, 2009

Just finished installing Fedora Core 5...?

I just wanted to know if there was any need to install anti-virus and spyware software for Fedora? If so, where can I find it?

I just switched over from Windows, and I am very excited...

But I am also trying to be careful

Not very familliar with the Linux systems


Just finished installing Fedora Core 5...?stinger

To be honest you don't "need" antivirus or spyware programmes for Linux, because the way the linux architecture is set up it is almost imposible for virus' or spyware to infect a machine, (I think a proof of concept virus has been written but it's still not able to infect or pass itself on). The only thing you would get to "spy" on you would be cookies in your browser, but they can't spy on the rest of your system, only your browser use and are easily controlled.

You will notice when you install programmes you have to either have to install an RPM or compile a tarball, this may seem a bit inconvenient when compared to double clicking an .exe, but well worth it when you consider the better security in linux because of this, which is partly why virus %26 spyware won't be a problem.

There are antivirus programmes for linux, I beleive mcaffe do one, there is also a free antivirus called clamAV ( the only reason to install these would be to check your outgoing mail for windows virus', these are easy to spot anyway in an attachment. Also a virus would be safe to open in linux as it would need to be opened in a text editor, you can then see how the code is put together.

Good luck with Fedora it's a good solid distro, take your time to get used to it, you may well find it easier to use than windows in time, I have with Suse, it is well worth joining they have a huge database of answers to linux questions and are very helpfull.

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