Sunday, October 4, 2009

How do I turn JavaScript back on?

Whenever I try to view a MySpace video, it comes up with the message..."Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player." It was working fine on Saturday, now all of a sudden I'm getting this message. What do I do to turn it back on if this is the problem? Is my anti-virus or firewall software interfering? (I have InternetExplorer 6.)

Any help would greatly be appreciated!

How do I turn JavaScript back on?systemworks

From the menu Select Tools-%26gt;Internet Options and click on the Advanced tab. Now scroll down to the "Microsoft VM" section and make sure "JIT compiler for virtual machine" is switched on. Alternatively, if you deliberately installed the Sun version of java instead then go to the "Java Sun" section (it'll be right above "Microsoft VM" and make sure that "Use Java 2 v1.4.2 etc etc" is checked on.

If this doesn't work then jump onto the Abode site and download/reinstall the latest version of Flash (see link below).

If this still doesn't work then post an update here, there are a few more things to try...

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