Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why do they give it for free??????

the softwares like anti virus and all why do they give their edotions for free

what is their profit in it

Why do they give it for free??????antivirus download

The antivirus softwares u get for free when u buy a new computer is a trialware product. mostly for a couple of months. Its like if u like the product u can buy it after the product expires.

Its like advertising u loose in the short run but gain in the long run.

Why do they give it for free??????bmw

this is after service not free
Hi. Most use it to demonstrate programming skill and offer Pro versions. Some just do it for fun!
They are fully government funded. The government pays them to do stuff like that because spam and spayware and stuff like that is ilegal.
they are not free. in each download there are secret little trolls that steal your credit card information then send it to the company who then charges an exorbitant amount of money in the guise of 1-900-porn calls to your bill.

the victim is so embarrassed that they usually just pay it.

this is a terrible scam and I hope congress investigates the corrupt practices of these corporations.
There are three reasons:

1. There are some people who actually believe cool software should be given away for free as a public service. They're doing something nice just because they can.

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