Well pretty simple. I need a good, effective FREE anti-virus program. It can be packaged with anit-spyware or what ever but it needs to be good and free. Oh and please no free trials, or shareware, only freeware.
Thanks a lot and I'll be sure to try them all and the best one will get the best answer. And first come first serve.
Thanks for all your suggestions,
What is the best free antivirus software?norton
AVG http://free.grisoft.com/doc/1 free, detects almost everything
What is the best free antivirus software?spyware remover
AVG free edition
Well to be honest, the BEST-working anti-virus programs aren't free...so I can't help you out there. I suggest buying Norton Anti-Virus. That's what I use and it seems to be working fine on my computer!
avg free
one of the best free anti virus is AVG get it here http://free.grisoft.com/doc/2/lng/us/tpl...
the also do an anti spyware get that here http://free.grisoft.com/doc/20/lng/us/tp...
Select 'Start Menu', 'All Programs', then look for 'Windows Cataglog'. You need to be connected to the Internet and a browser will appear showing you Microsoft's latest products. Scroll down and look for the menu, 'Freeware and Trials' on the bottom left of the webpage. Click on it will take you to the list of freeware and trials. Select your category 'Antivirus' or so, and a new list of freeware versions of Antivirus will appear.
AVG all the way!!!!!!
You can download a free antispyware/ virus/trojan version and remove them. Check out http://sumiram2006.googlepages.com/comba...
It has good downloads to detect and eliminate virus/trojans/spyware
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