Sunday, October 4, 2009

Okay, a lot of you have been helping me out soooo much with how to resolve my computer nightmare?

with downloads. I think I have resolved most of the issues. Any advice for remaining probs?

-several times downloaded anti virus and spyware software would prompt me to make a decision to allow or not allow certain addons, and other such things etc but would not desribe them...i usually did unless something looked weird but how the hell are you supposed to know if that is what the problem coud be?

the icon for my internet explorer has a shadow (please no groundhog jokes) ..does that mean anything?

when i click on my internet explorer icon i am brought to a blank internet web page, how do i reset yahoo as my default?

the screens popup in minimized mode now

my type set is smaller and i supoos the font looks different too ...for instance on my start up button

and I can not restore my desktop backround to its original state to save my life

Help anyone????????

Okay, a lot of you have been helping me out soooo much with how to resolve my computer nightmare?virus removal

you must get some one who a ware about fixing things like this, i can help you and advice you but i'm sure that you may missup with somthing or damage some of your data, any way if you want the truth just get a frind or someone around to help you in this problem,

- if you wanna simple solution, if you didnt have any virus before couple of days try (start menu -%26gt; all programs --%26gt; system toosl -%26gt; System restore)|

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