Sunday, October 4, 2009

Does anyone know how the Eblaster works(monitoring software) work?

before you guys start to comment, like i wrote on my last question my dad is expected cheating and my lil sis messin with a younger man and my mom wants to check it out because my mom cant see wat my dad is doin and his comp is locked away and my mom wants to see whats he doing and we cant get to the comp so emailing is the only way(i think he is cheatin also, sorta almost got caught but not enough for him to get in trouble)......its not for other use im not good with computers for that........

I wanted to know how it works, i was told that you put the disc in the comp and then u send the program by email and they have to open it...when they open it do they know what program is being downloaded or are they asked to download it, and after that part once its on the comp does it hide itself(can it be removed) and the last question is does a anti virus program keep it from being downloaded....i dont want my mom wasting money on this if it doesnt work well....Thanks for helping

Does anyone know how the Eblaster works(monitoring software) work?virus;...

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